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Innovative and long-acting treatments

Improving treatment outcomes

Camurus uses the company’s strong R&D expertise and proprietary FluidCrystal® technology to develop innovative long-acting treatments with the goal of significantly improving the lives of people with severe and chronic diseases.


Addressing important unmet medical needs

Camurus’ products are based on the company's proprietary FluidCrystal technology and are designed to address important unmet medical needs, with the potential to make a significant difference in the daily life of patients.

Learn about our products

R&D Pipeline

Diversified pipeline with large potential

Camurus’ clinical pipeline represents a healthy mix of in-house and partnered programs from early to late stage development.

See pipeline


FluidCrystal – smart and versatile drug delivery

Camurus’ FluidCrystal injection depot is designed to provide treatment efficacy over extended periods – from days to months – with a single injection.

Learn about our technology